How to Tell If Almond Butter Is Bad? (Here’s the Answer)
Many people do not know how to store almond butter properly. Sometimes store almond butter in the cupboard or keep it unused in the fridge for months and then open the jar and wonder if it is still edible? I will tell you how you can determine whether your almond butter is bad or not.
How to Tell If Almond Butter Is Bad?
It is best to smell, taste, and observe the texture of almond butter to determine whether it is rancid. Almond butter that is rancid will have an odor like acetic, sour, rotten, and most notably, like paint. Another way is to taste it and observe any black or brown spots, which indicate that it might be moldy.
If you are unfamiliar with how you should store almond butter, keep reading this article to learn everything about almond butter, its shelf-life, its long-term use, and how to check it’s rotten or not.

If you are interested in checking out the best almond butter, you can find them on Amazon by clicking here.
How To Tell If Almond Butter Is Rancid?
There’s nothing more accurate than using your three senses to determine if your almond butter is bad. It’s easy to tell if the almond butter goes bad by its smell if it smells like paint or rotten, and if still, you are unable to know by the smell, then taste it, if it tastes strange in any way, discard it, finally, watch whether any mold is growing on the almond butter. If any of these signs appear, your almond butter has gone rancid, and you should discard it.
The rancidification of almond butter and all other nuts involves the complete or incomplete oxidation of fats or oils in the almond butter caused by exposure to moisture and air, which leads to bacterial growth and results in the rancid almond butter. If your almond butter smells acetic or sour, it means it is undoubtedly rotten, so you better discard it immediately to prevent any health issues.
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How Long Is Almond Butter Good After the Expiration Date?
Generally, an unopened jar of almond butter in the pantry or cupboard lasts about 5-6 months after the expiration date. An opened jar of almond butter in the pantry and cupboard would last for about 3-4 months, and if it stays in a cold environment, it will survive for more than eight months.
There are many brands of almond butter available today, and the lifespan of each brand of almond butter varies differently. If the jar remains in the fridge and unopened, it will last for a whole year after the expiration date. As soon as the jar opens, environmental elements like air and oxygen exposure can affect the lifespan of the almond butter.
As there is a difference in the lifespan of each almond butter so, do not entirely rely on this period as it is a general estimate; you should keep checking the almond butter rancidification in the ways mentioned above.
If you wish to purchase this Organic Almond Butter, you can do so on Amazon here.
Should You Refrigerate Almond Butter After Opening?
If you want to increase the shelf-life of almond butter, then you should keep it in the refrigerator after opening the seal. The cool temperature helps the nuts and the fats/oil present in the almond butter to last longer.
When the seal of the almond butter is opened, the product comes in contact with the air, which reduces its shelf-life and the almond butter becomes prone to rancidity. So it would be best if you immediately stored it in the refrigerator to prevent rancidification and make almond butter last longer. The nuts oxidize on the air exposure, so keep them in an airtight container in the fridge.
How Long Does Homemade Almond Butter Last in the fridge?
Homemade almond butter can last for about 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator because no additive preservative keeps it safe. On the other hand, purchased almond butter would last for about 1-2 months.
The homemade almond butter should be kept in the refrigerators to ensure its proper storage and extended shelf-life. You can also freeze the homemade almond butter to use it for about 3-4 months easily without worrying about it being rancidified.
You can find this Artisana Almond Butter on Amazon by clicking here.
Can You Freeze Almond Butter?
If you want to increase the lifespan of the almond butter, then try freezing it, as it will double the shelf-life of the almond butter. Frozen almond butter lasts approximately 5-6 months, with the same taste and quality. You need to put it in an airtight container and keep it in the freezer overnight or until it is frozen completely.
This way, you can extend the shelf life of the almond butter to the maximum and de-freeze it conveniently whenever you need it.
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How to Store Almond Butter Long-Term?
The proper storing of almond butter is necessary for its long-term usage, so you must do it carefully. Follow the below-mentioned steps to keep your almond butter for a good period.
- If you have an unopened jar of almond butter, keep it in the pantry where the temperature is not too hot or preferably in the refrigerator.
- If you have an opened jar, transfer the almond butter to a glass jar for better storage. Clean and sterilize the glass jar thoroughly before adding almond butter to ensure no substance can affect the product.
- Close the jar with an airtight lid to ensure minimum air and sunlight exposure so that you can extend its lifespan.
- Put the jar in the refrigerator with an airtight lid for long-term usage. Also, make sure you never leave the jar open on the counter or fridge.
- You can also freeze the peanut butter and then de-froze it when required, and frozen almond butter lasts for about 2-3 months. Keep the almond butter away from the heat source or warm places if you don’t want any mold growth in it.
If almond butter goes bad due to improper storage, you should smell, taste, and observe it to confirm whether it is usable or not. The life-shelf of different almond butter varies depending upon its storage and usage.