11 Fruit Like Tomato [Look And Taste Like Tomatoes]

Tomatoes are a fruit that is often used as a vegetable. A good source of vitamins A and C, as well as lycopene, an antioxidant, tomatoes, are also very high in fiber. If you enjoy tomatoes, you might be interested in other foods similar to them.

Fruit Like Tomato: Fruits that are similar to tomatoes in look or taste are Tomatillos, Physalis, Currant, Persimmon, Pepinos, Gooseberries, Tamarillos, Cherry, and Cranberry.

Fruit that looks like tomato is often found in tropical and subtropical regions and is a popular food choice in many cultures. Fruit that Looks Like a Tomato is a good source of vitamins and minerals and is also low in calories.

Here is a list of fruits similar to tomatoes:

Fruit NameTasteSimilarities to Tomato
1. TomatillosTart and citrusyShape and color
2. PhysalisSweet and aromaticShape like tomato
3. CurrantTart Shape and color
4. PersimmonsMild sweetShape and color
5. Sharon FruitsTart and sweetShape and color
6. PepinosSweeterAppearance and taste
7. GooseberriesSour to relatively sweetAppearance
8. EggplantsTender, mild, and sweetAppearance
9. TamarillosTangy and sweet Appearance and color
10. CherrySweet and sourAppearance and color
11. CranberryTartShape and color

In this guide, we’ll explore what fruit looks like a tomato, and also, we’ll share a few fun facts about fruits that look like tomatoes, including what they look like when they are ripe and how they taste.

What Fruit Looks Like a Tomato

What Fruit Like Tomatoe?

You may be wondering what fruits look like tomatoes. Tomatoes are a fruit that is often used as a vegetable. If you enjoy tomatoes, you might be interested in other foods similar to them. The following is the list of 11 Fruit that Looks Like a Tomato.

1. Tomatillos

Tomatillos are a member of the nightshade family, a large, juicy fruit. They are used for sauces, jams, jellies, and preserves. Tomatillo is a fruit that look like a tomato with a long neck and are grown for its delicious flesh.

Tomatillos are best known for their tart flavor; their leaves and stems are used for cooking, while the fruits are used to make salsa and salsas. They are also used to make jellies and wine.

Tomatillos are native to Mexico and Central America and grow in clusters of 5-20. They are a staple ingredient in Mexican cuisine and are often used in salsa.


2. Physalis

A Physalis is a small, yellow-orange fruit encased in a papery husk. It is also known as ground cherry, cape gooseberry, or Chinese lantern. It is similar to tomatoes in that it has a small round shape and is slightly sweet and aromatic.

Physalis is a genus of flowering plants in the nightshade family. It includes about 40 species that grow from a vine to a puny tree.

Some people like to eat it raw, while others enjoy cooking the fruit differently. In Mexico, a spicy relish called “pipián” is made with the fruit and used as a dip for tortillas.

In ancient times, Native Americans ate the plant’s fruit to treat indigestion, asthma, and coughs. It is primarily used as an ornamental plant due to its striking appearance, but it is still consumed for medicinal purposes.

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3. Currant

A currant is a small, tart fruit most commonly found in shades of red or black. The red and black currants are the same species, while the white currants differ. Currants are often used in jams, jellies, and pies.

Both Currants and tomatoes are fruits that belong to the nightshade family. They are both red, fleshy, and have seeds on the inside. Currants are small and tart, while tomatoes are more prominent and sweeter.

Currants can improve circulation, boost cognitive function, and reduce inflammation. Additionally, currants are sometimes used as a natural treatment for anxiety and depression.


4. Persimmons

Persimmon is a small, round, yellow fruit that resembles a large tomato. It is typically sold in stores during the fall and winter months.

Persimmon is a type of fruit that is native to China. The tree the fruit grows on is also known as the kaki tree. The scientific name for the persimmon fruit is Diospyros kaki. The tree is in the Ebenaceae family, and the fruit is in the genus Diospyros.

It is also known as Japanese Persimmon and Diospyros kaki. They are small, deciduous fruits that are native to the Mediterranean region.

Persimmon is a fruit that is somewhat similar to tomatoes. Its flavor is sweeter and juicier than tomatoes, and it is a good source of vitamins A, C, and K. It has a texture and tastes similar to apples.

Fruit is also a good source of potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Persimmon is a popular fruit in Asia, and it is often used in baked goods, such as cakes and pies. It can also be eaten raw and is sometimes used as a garnish on salads.


5. Sharon Fruits

Sharon Fruits is a citrus hybrid, a cross between sweet orange and pummelo. It is grown exclusively in Israel and has become well known in recent years due to its unique taste, which is similar to grapefruit and tangerines but is also slightly sweeter.

They are similar in appearance to apricots but have a distinctively tart flavor. Sharon fruits are often used in jams and jellies, as well as in baked goods and desserts.

There are many ways in which Sharon fruits are similar to tomatoes. Both are fruits that are grown on vines, and both are red when ripe. Sharon fruits and tomatoes are used in salads and toppings on pizzas and other dishes.

Sharon fruits are also used in juices and smoothies. They are a hybrid between sweet orange and pummelo. Sharon fruits are small, deciduous fruits native to the Mediterranean region.

They are similar in appearance to apricots but have a distinctively tart flavor. Sharon fruits are often used in jams and jellies, as well as in baked goods and desserts. Sharon fruits are also used in juices and smoothies.

Sharon Fruits

6. Pepinos

Pepinos are a type of fruit that belongs to the nightshade family. They are small and spherical, with green skin and white flesh. Pepinos are often used in salads and garnish but can also be eaten on their own. They have a sweet-acidic flavor and are native to South America.

Pepinos and tomatoes belong to the nightshade family. They are similar in appearance and taste, but Pepino is slightly sweeter than tomatoes. Pepinos and tomatoes are used in many dishes, such as salads, salsas, and sauces. It is orange fruit like tomato that contain vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, and potassium.

They are a source of natural sweetness and can be used in baking and cooking. Some potential benefits of eating Pepino melons include improved digestion, weight loss, and a reduced risk of some chronic diseases.

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7. Gooseberries

Gooseberries are small tart fruits found in North America. Gooseberry was first cultivated in England during the Middle Ages. Gooseberries are often confused with raspberries, which have a similar appearance but thicker skin and contain seeds.

There are over a hundred varieties of gooseberries, including Blackthorn, Common Gooseberry, Dwarf Gooseberry, Japanese Gooseberry, Ribwort Plantain, and Rowan. They are an essential source of vitamin C.

Gooseberries and tomatoes have similar nutritional values and are both low in calories and high in fiber. But unlike tomatoes, gooseberries contain a small amount of vitamins A and C and are considered an excellent source of vitamin K.

The most common use for gooseberries is in pies and desserts, but you can also use them in savory dishes, chutneys, and curries.

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8. Eggplants

Eggplant is a nightshade vegetable that is related to the tomato. It is a fruit that is used as a vegetable. The eggplant is a perennial plant that grows best in hot weather and is frost-sensitive.

It originated in central Asia but has since spread worldwide and now grows in most temperate climates. Eggplants are often called aubergine because the plant is related to another vegetable, the aubergine, or eggplant.

Eggplants are one of the easiest fruits to grow. They can be grown in pots and on the ground. They are often sold with the leaves still attached. They are deficient in calories and a great source of vitamin C.

Because of its sweet and fruity flavor can be used in various dishes as a side dish or in salads or curries.


9. Tamarillos

A tamarillo is a small, oval-shaped fruit with thin, edible skin. The flesh is orange or red and has a tangy, sweet flavor. Tamarillos are native to South America and are related to tomatoes.

Tamarillo fruit has been shown to contain high antioxidants and dietary fiber levels. Tamarillos are rich in carotenoids, a group of organic compounds that the human body converts into vitamin A.

Some uses for tamarillos include eating them fresh, making jams and sauces, and adding them to savory dishes.


10. Cherry

Cherry is a type of fruit that originated in China and is now grown in many parts of the world. The most well-known kind of cherry in North America is sweet cherries, such as the Montmorency and Rainier varieties. Cherry is a tomato like fruit that is grown in the tropics.

A smaller type of tomato, also known as the Cherry tomato, is similar to cherries in shape. They are both red, and juicy, and have seeds in the center. Cherry tomatoes are generally smaller and sweeter than regular tomatoes.

Cherries are often eaten out of hand, but they are often made into preserves, jams, sauces, jellies, and other desserts. Cherry flavoring is also used in drinks, candy, and baked goods.

Some benefits of cherry include its ability to improve sleep quality, boost immunity, lower inflammation, and aid in weight loss. Additionally, cherry is a good source of antioxidants and can help to prevent certain cancers.


11. Cranberry

The Cranberry fruit is a small, red, tart fruit grown in North America. Cranberries are used in many products, including cranberry juice, cranberry sauce, and dried cranberries.

They contain high levels of antioxidants and are often served as a healthful substitute for sweetened fruit juices. Cranberry is a fruit like tomatoes and is often referred to as tart berries.

Cranberries are sour fruits similar to raspberries. Both cranberries and tomatoes grow in the same region of North America and are harvested for the same reason; both contain high levels of Vitamin C.

However, tomatoes do not grow well in the Northeast and Midwest cold weather, while cranberries grow well in these regions.


Final Thoughts

In the end, we hope that you are now well aware that what fruit looks like a tomato. The fruit looks like a tomato because the fruit is a capsule and contains seeds and pulp. The tomato is the most well-known fruit that looks like a tomato. Other fruits that look like tomatoes are bell peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers.

FAQs | Fruit That Looks Like a Tomato

The following are the frequently asked questions about fruits that look like a tomato.

What Looks like a Tomato but Is Not a Tomato?

The persimmon is a fruit that resembles the tomato in appearance. It is small and orange, with a stem from the top. Persimmons are a type of fruit that is less savory than tomatoes and have a honey-like flavor. They have tough skin, like granny smith apples or hard Barlett pears. 

They are less savory than tomatoes and have a texture that resembles peaches or apricots. One unusual thing about persimmons is that they have tough skin, like granny smith apples or hard Barlett pears.

What Fruit Looks like a Tomato and Grows on a Tree?

The fruit that looks like a tomato and grows on a tree are Cherries, Cranberries, Persimmon and Physalis. These all fruits are similar to tomatoes and grows on the trees.

What Is the Tropical Fruit That Looks like a Tomato?

The fruit that is tropical and looks like a tomato is a lychee. Lychees are native to China and are related to rambutans and longans. They have rough, textured skin that is red or pink. The flesh of lychee is white and very juicy. It has a sweet flavor that is often compared to a grape.

What Fruit Looks like a Small Yellow Tomato?

The fruit that looks like a small yellow tomato is called a tomatillo. The tomatillo is a nightshade family member and is closely related to the tomato. The fruit is encased in a papery husk and has a tart, lemony flavor.

What Is the Fruit That Looks like a Tomato but Is Sweet?

The fruit that looks like a tomato but is sweet is an apricot. Apricots are fruit in season from early fall until late spring. They have thin, delicate skin and sweet, juicy flesh. Most people think of apricots as a dessert fruit, but they are also great for eating right out of hand.

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