Why Is My Sponge Cake Sticky? [Here’s the Answer]

Sponge cakes are delicious desserts made from flour and water, or sponge, usually eaten as the dessert course. Some varieties of sponge cake, such as lemon sponge cake and chocolate sponge cake, can be made with both citrus and chocolate flavoring.

However, while baking, I often get a sticky sponge cake; I did the research to find out the answer. Let’s see the answer.

Why is my sponge cake sticky?

The sponge cake becomes sticky due to using too much butter in your cake recipe, which will cause it to get crispy around the edges and greasy on top. Also, it can be salvaged and turned into a drizzle cake, which hides the shine. A simple way to fix your sticky sponge cake is to make sure you use room-temperature butter in your recipe.

In this guide, we’ll look in detail at the common causes of sponge cake sticky, how to fix a sticky sponge cake, and some other helpful information about the topic.

Why Is My Sponge Cake Sticky

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Why Is My Sponge Cake Sticky After Baking?

If you bake a sponge cake every once and notice that it remains sticky after baking, several possible reasons exist. 

  1. The sponge may not have appropriately risen, which results in an under-risen sponge. 
  2. It could also be due to the wrong amount of wet and dry ingredients. 
  3. Too much flour or egg will make the sponge dry. 
  4. In addition, if you see that your sponge is not rising correctly, you may have used too much sugar or a raising agent.
  5. The temperature of your oven is not correct, and some adjustments to the baking time are required. 
  6. A greasy cake is caused by too much butter or oil in the cake tin. Too much butter or fat fried the sponge, making it look smooth and crispy on the surface.

It’s not a good sign to crack a sponge cake. Jam or ganache can be used to fix Cracked cakes. It is easy to prevent cracks in a sponge by checking the baking temperature, raising agent, or tin.

How to Fix a Sticky Cake Top?

Cracking on the top of your cake is a definite sign that it’s not cooked through. It may have risen too quickly, or the cake tin has become too small. If this happens, you can do some simple things to salvage your cake.

  • Make sure your tin is large enough to hold the sponge and not let it spread out. It will be gone if you don’t fill the tin three-quarters full. Then, mix it according to the recipe and ensure the cracks are not visible.
  • Over mixing is one of the causes of a sticky sponge cake top. It will cause the sponge to lose air, essential for a light and fluffy texture.
  • It’s essential to make sure the flour is consistent. You want the cake to be dense but not too thick. The cake will become sticky if it is wrapped or covered before completely cooled down.
  • Allow the cake to cool completely on a wire rack to avoid this.

How to Stop a Sponge Cake from Sinking?

You can stop a sponge cake from sinking by following the instructions on the recipe, as too much leavening can cause a sinkhole. Use an oven thermometer and set a kitchen timer to prevent your cake from sinking. The pan size is also essential when baking. 

It’s possible that the recipe doesn’t specify a pan for your sponge cake. A sinkhole may be caused by overmixing the batter. Too much leavening can cause bubbles to expand. It’s a good idea to use about one to one and a quarter of baking soda.

Several factors can cause a sponge cake to sink when baking. The leading cause may be improper mixing of the ingredients or an overheated oven. You might be suitable if you think you’ve overmixed the sponge cake batter.

If you’re baking a meringue sponge, you’ve probably over-mixed the batter too much, and it has absorbed too much moisture. 

Another factor that can cause your cake to sink is if it doesn’t bake thoroughly. The temperature of your oven needs to be at least 100 degrees Celsius or 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

It should be at least half an hour before it begins to sink. If it doesn’t, leave the cake for half an hour to cool before attempting to move it. Once the cake is cool, use a knife to loosen it from the tin. Cover it with greaseproof paper to avoid sticking if you can’t remove it by hand.

If you like to try making a sponge cake without butter, then scandicuisine has a great recipe for that.

How to Frost a Sticky Cake?

A Sticky Cake may have a tough time getting a good frosting job. If you want a smooth, even finish, you must first use a pressed texture on your cake. You can also use an offset spatula to slide under the cake. The cake should be well chilled before you begin frosting it. This will ensure that the frosting doesn’t stick to the cake. Here’s a simple guide to getting the right results.

First, you’ll want to prepare your cake by adding a crumb coat. This is a thin layer of frosting that seals in crumbs. Start with about half a cup of frosting and thin it slightly with water or milk.

Use an offset spatula to spread the frosting outwards from the center. Be sure to smooth out any ridges in the cake before adding the next layer. Then, repeat the process with the remaining half cup of frosting.

First, place a dollop of frosting on the cake stand or plate. Use an offset spatula to spread the frosting evenly on the cake. Use the overhang to spread the frosting on the sides of the cake.

You can cover the sides of the cake with wax paper or parchment paper to protect the surface. Once you’re done, you’re ready to decorate. You can also use the crumbs as decoration.

Sponge Cake on stand

Why Is My Cake Sticky on Top After Baking?

The sponge cake will have a sticky and rubbery surface if you have used an expired leavener. The chemical reaction that produces air bubbles is prevented by the expiry date. You may end up with a dense, gummy, or flat cake, and the wrong temperature can cause an under-risen cake. The oven should be set to a high temperature to avoid this problem.

Another common reason for this problem is under-mixing. You must ensure that the batter is combined thoroughly to incorporate a lot of air. Too much flour or too little baking powder will make your sponge dense and heavy.

The correct amount of butter should be used. If it’s too much, use a smaller size of butter. Lastly, carefully measure the dry ingredients and whisk them together until well blended.

Over-beating the batter can also cause the cake to become oily. You may have over-beated the batter and made it too soft. A moist cake will still be moist. You can also try using a thermometer.

The temperature of your oven is essential for baking a cake that’s not dry or too moist. If your cake’s top is stuck to the tin, leave it half an hour before removing it from the tin.

Why Did My Sponge Cake Deflate After Baking?

Sponge cakes often deflate after baking for several reasons. Here are a few common causes. 

  • The first reason is that the sponge cake contains excessive air, making it more susceptible to deflation than other types of cakes. 
  • The sponge cake pulls away from the sides of the tin immediately after being taken out of the oven.
  • Additionally, sponge cakes deflate during baking because the heat from the oven evaporates through the cake and into the tin. In addition, if the oven door is open, air can escape through the cake.
  • A second cause is an improper baking temperature. Too-hot ovens cause the sponge to deflate, so you should adjust your oven temperature accordingly. 
  • Also, it is crucial to allow enough time for the cake to cool in the tin. Once it has cooled, you can remove it from the tin by running a knife along the edges of the cake. 
  • If it’s stuck to the pan, you can loosen it by sliding it onto a cooling rack or a hand. Make sure to cover the bottom of the tin with greaseproof paper so that it doesn’t stick to the pan.


If your cake is very sticky, you can try to fix it by making sure you use room-temperature butter in your recipe. Alternatively, you can try to dry the cake out by putting it in the oven on a wire rack for a few minutes.

If you follow the instructions on the recipe, you can stop the cake from sinking. Set a kitchen timer and use an oven thermometer to prevent your cake from sinking.

If you are interested in the best kitchen products and accessories, be sure to visit my Recommended Products Page (click to see my page), Which includes all of my top picks by category.

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