What Fruits, Vegetables, Raw Meats, or Spices Are Naturally Blue?
If you’re wondering what foods are naturally blue, you’ve come to the right place. Blue is a color that comes from the pigment called indigo. It is also a color found in nature in many different forms, including in the fruits and vegetables we eat.
In this guide, we will look at what fruits, vegetables, raw meats, or spices are naturally blue. We will also list some other blue foods that aren’t really blue but are still very tasty.

What Fruits, Vegetables, Raw Meats, or Spices Are Naturally Blue?
Eating blue foods can be beneficial to your health. This is because blue foods have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. However, is this true? Is it possible that certain blue foods are blue because of their color rather than containing a specific nutrient?
Fruits That Are Naturally Blue
Blue is the color of our oceans, the sky above us during a cloudless day, and some of our favorite foods. There’s a whole world of colorful fruits out there that many people are unaware of. Here are five blue fruits that might surprise you:

01. Huckleberries
Huckleberries are a great source of antioxidants, which can help reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases. They’re also high in vitamins A and C and anti-inflammatory properties.
Huckleberries have been shown to help lower your blood sugar levels, thanks to their high levels of vitamin B1 (thiamine). They’re also a good source of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and folate—all important for healthy hair growth and reproduction.
02. Blue Raspberries
Blue raspberries are a fruit that looks like regular red raspberries, but they’re blue. They’re native to the United States and can be found in most grocery stores, but they aren’t as popular as their red cousins.
Blue raspberries have many health benefits: they have high levels of Vitamin C, fiber, manganese, and antioxidants! If you want to get your daily dose of vitamins with something sweet, try eating some blue raspberry ice cream or smoothie.
03. Blueberries
Blueberries are a very popular fruit, and for a good reason. They’re one of the most nutritious fruits you can eat—full of vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. Blueberries also contain phytonutrients (antioxidants), which help prevent cancer and heart disease.
You can eat them fresh or frozen; many people like to put them in yogurt or cereal. If you haven’t tried blueberries yet and want to incorporate more into your diet, try eating some with your lunch today!
04. Blue Grapes
Blue grapes are naturally blue fruit. They contain antioxidants, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. They also have anti-inflammatory properties due to anthocyanins in their skin. This makes them very good for your health as well as being tasty!
05. Blue Plums
Blue plums are a hybrid of two types of plums: the damson plum and the blue damson plum. The fruit is known as a “blue damson” in the United Kingdom, where it’s grown commercially. The fruit has a sweet taste and can be used to add color to desserts or to make jams or jellies with other fruits.
The blue plums’ coloring comes from anthocyanins, compounds that give plants their vibrant hues—and they’re also responsible for making purple cabbage so healthy!
Naturally Blue vegetables
Blue vegetables are a great addition to your diet because they are high in antioxidants and other nutrients that can help protect your health.

01. Blue Potatoes
Blue potatoes are the perfect addition to any blue-themed meal. They’re great for parties, family dinners, and even casual hangouts with friends. This variety of potatoes is a sweet potato that grows underground, making it more durable than other types of potatoes. It’s also less likely to mold or spoil than other sweet potatoes because it has a thick skin that protects its insides from getting wet during rainstorms or snowfall.
Blue potatoes are cooked in many different ways—you can eat them raw as chips or salads if you want some extra crunch; they’re also delicious when mashed with butter and garlic or tossed into soups (especially those made with chicken broth). No matter how you cook them up, these tasty treats will turn any dish into one that will leave everyone wanting more!
02. Blue Corn
Blue corn is a type of corn that is naturally blue. As you can see, it’s a little bit more complex than that. Blue corn is not just old food; it’s an important part of Native American culture and cuisine.
Blue corn has been around for centuries, but it’s only recently become popular among health-conscious consumers interested in the benefits of eating whole grains. The kernels are also used to make flour and meal, which can be used as an ingredient in bread, tortillas, or even pancakes!
03. Red Cabbage
Red cabbage is a good source of vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. It’s low in fat and calories, so it can be part of a healthy diet without contributing to weight gain. Red cabbage is also packed with calcium, potassium, vitamin K and other nutrients.
04. Blue Artichoke
Artichokes are the edible flowers of a perennial plant belonging to the thistle family. They grow in temperate regions and are usually eaten as a vegetable in salads.
You can describe the taste of artichoke as having a slight bitterness with an aftertaste similar to parsley or celery, depending on how it’s prepared. The artichoke is also thought to have medicinal properties, particularly as an antioxidant (which protects cells from free radicals) or as a source of fiber.
Artichokes are grown commercially in California and Spain, but they’re also easy to grow at home—just plant seeds directly into the ground in springtime! You can harvest them any time once they start growing leaves—about six weeks after germination when their second set of leaves appears—and continue harvesting until frost hits your area (usually around Thanksgiving).
05. Black Rice
There’s a reason it seems like rice has been around forever. It’s one of the most versatile and inexpensive foods, used to make everything from breakfast cereal to pilaf to puddings. Rice is also surprisingly high in fiber, protein, and antioxidants.
Black rice is a type of rice with a dark blue color when cooked, making it an extra-special addition to your mealtime arsenal. Black rice is especially good for you: it contains more vitamins B1, B2, and B3 than regular brown or white rice—and manganese and selenium!
How to Cook Blue Vegetables?
Blue vegetables are a delicious and unique addition to any meal. It is important to use the right cooking method when cooking blue vegetables. Boil them first, then simmer in some water or broth. Alternatively, bake them in the oven with a little salt or sugar.
Health Benefits of Blue Vegetables
There are many health benefits to consuming blue vegetables. For example, blue vegetables are high in antioxidants and vitamins. They also contain anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and cancer.
One of the most important benefits of blue vegetables is their ability to improve overall health. Consuming blue vegetables has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer. They also help to improve your cognitive function and protect your eyesight.
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Raw Meats That Are Naturally Blue
There are many ways to prepare meat and many cuts to choose from. The color of raw meat is also variable, ranging from red to white meats. But did you know that some raw meats naturally have blue colors?

01. Bluefin Tuna
Bluefin tuna is a naturally blue fish. It’s a very popular fish, and it’s usually eaten raw. The bluefin tuna is one of the most expensive fish in the world because they’re so rare and caught using longlines (a type of fishing line with hooks).
02. Blue Marlin
Marlin is a type of fish known for its size, strength, and beauty. Marlin is a fast swimmer, reaching speeds of up to 30 mph (48 km/h) in short bursts. They can jump out of the water and onto land for a few seconds if they need to escape predators or find food. The blue marlin is one species within this group; it’s one of the largest and most powerful fish in all oceans worldwide.
The name “marlin” comes from Spanish words meaning “dagger” or “lance.” This may refer to how sharp their bill is compared to other types of billfish (it looks like an arrowhead). Other names include broadbill swordfish, long bill swordfish, and broadbill spearfish—though these last two are not technically correct since they aren’t members of the genus Xiphias but instead belong in one called Tetrapterus (two fins on each side instead).
03. Blue Crab
You probably know that blue crabs are a popular food in Maryland and other areas of the Chesapeake Bay. But did you know that the crab’s blue color is due to a pigment called astaxanthin? And did you know that the color is more pronounced in males than females? If not, don’t worry—you can still enjoy these delicious crustaceans, also known as blue swimming crabs or Atlantic soft-shells.
Spices That Are Naturally Blue
You may not know it, but blue spices are a thing. Of course, you’re probably familiar with the vibrant blue food coloring added to products like blue ice cream and funfetti cake frosting. But naturally occurring blue spices are just as vibrant, spicy, and delicious. Here are three of my favorites:

01. Blue Salt
Blue salt is a naturally occurring mineral that was discovered in the Amazon River basin in 1750. Blue salt is mined from underground caves and processed into a white, granulated form. It has been used for centuries as both a cooking ingredient and medicine due to its high iodine content—which helps improve circulation, fight infections, regulate hormone production, and support proper thyroid function.
Blue salts are found in the Himalayas (India), China, Japan, and South America, where they can be harvested from waterfalls or streams within these regions. It’s also possible for blue salt deposits to occur naturally when moisture seeps through rocks filled with minerals like copper sulfate that combine over time; this process creates an abundance of blue crystals which look similar to snowflakes!
02. Blue Fenugreek
Blue Fenugreek, or Methi (Trigonella foenum-graecum), is a spice used in Indian cuisine that You can find in the form of seeds, leaves, and sprouts. The leaves are most commonly used as a condiment and have a bitter flavor. In addition to being tasty, blue fenugreek is also good for you! It’s rich in iron and calcium—which help boost your energy levels—and has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that may help with diseases like diabetes and ulcers.
03. Blue Turmeric
Blue Turmeric is the root of the perennial plant used in curry cooking. The plant, also called curry powder, is a relative of ginger. Many Vietnamese herbalists use it to relieve muscle aches, stomachaches, and digestive disorders. This is the rarest species of turmeric, unique turmeric that is a bit different than the standard yellow/orange variety.
Turmeric is a spice used in many cuisines worldwide, but it’s most commonly associated with Indian food. It has been part of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries and has been shown to have many health benefits, including being effective at treating arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Turmeric is also a good source of iron, potassium, and manganese—nutrients you may not get enough of in your diet otherwise.
I hope this guide, “What Fruits, Vegetables, Raw Meats, or Spices Are Naturally Blue,” is helpful for you in finding the blue fruit, vegetables, and raw meats.
We hope you enjoyed learning a little more about these three spices, which are all naturally blue. If you’re inspired to add some of them to your next dish, they’re easy to find in stores or online. Make sure to research the best way to prepare and use each spice before adding it to your meal.