Does Cheese Make You Poop and Cause Diarrhea?

Cheese is a common ingredient in many foods, such as pizza, burgers, and tacos; however, there is a lot of controversy surrounding whether cheese consumption can lead to increased bowel movements and diarrhea.

Some experts believe that cheese contains high levels of lactose, which can be difficult for the body to digest and cause diarrhea. However, other experts believe cheese is a healthy food that can be part of a balanced diet. 

Does cheese make you poop and cause diarrhea?

Yes, cheese can cause diarrhea and make you poop because it contains lactose, a sugar that can’t be digested by the body, mainly in lactose-intolerant people. When you overeat cheese, your body breaks down the lactose into lactic acid and glucose. This can cause diarrhea and make you poop; if you’re concerned about cheese making you poop, try avoiding it or eating it in small amounts.

In this guide, we’ll explore the research behind whether cheese can make you poop and cause diarrhea. We’ll also look at possible explanations for why cheese might have this effect.

Does Cheese Make You Poop and Cause Diarrhea

Does Cheese Make You Poop?

Yes. When you eat cheese, your body breaks down the lactose into glucose and galactose. These sugars then travel through your intestines, drawing water into your stool, making it softer and more likely to cause a bowel movement. It can also cause gas and bloating, making you feel like you need to poop.

Cheese is also high in fat and takes a while for your body to digest. This can cause diarrhea or make you feel like you need a bowel movement.

Does Cheese Cause You to Poop Quickly?

Some people may find that they experience this effect after eating cheese. This is likely because cheese is high in fat and lactose, which can cause digestive issues for some people. If you find that cheese causes you to poop quickly, you may want to avoid eating it or eat it in moderation.

For more information about other digestive issues caused by cheese, check out this article published by Sfgate.

Is It Normal When Cheese Makes You Poop?

It is usual for the cheese to make you poop because it is a dairy product. Dairy products are known to cause increased bowel movements.

Cheese is also a good source of probiotics, which are live bacteria that help keep the gut healthy. Probiotics can also cause gas and bloating, which can lead to pooping.

Why Does Cheese Make You Poop?

Cheese is made from milk and rennet. It is an enzyme found in the stomachs of calves. This enzyme helps break down the milk proteins into smaller pieces so the calf can digest them.

When we eat cheese, our stomachs do not have this enzyme, so the milk proteins are not broken down. This can cause gas and bloating and can also make you poop.

What Should You Do If Cheese Makes You Poop?

The following steps should be taken if cheese makes you poop:

  • If cheese makes you poop, you should stop eating it.
  • Try different cheeses to see if one doesn’t make you poop.
  • Find out what it is about cheese that makes you poop.
  • Avoid eating cheese at night so you don’t have to wake up to poop.
  • Eat cheese with other food, so it doesn’t make you poop. Also, eat high-fiber foods, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Take Lactaid before you eat cheese, so you don’t poop.
  • Try hard cheeses, like cheddar or Swiss, as they contain less lactose they usually don’t make you poop.

Can Cheese Make You Poop More?

Yes, cheese can make you poop more because cheese is a high-fat food, and fat takes longer to digest than other nutrients. This means cheese can sit in your stomach for a while before it’s fully digested.

However, some people may be more sensitive to lactose, the sugar found in milk, which can cause diarrhea. If you want to learn about lactose intolerance, read this article published by Mayoclinic.

Can You Get Diarrhea from Cheese?

Cheese is a typical food that can cause diarrhea. The cause of this is usually due to a foodborne illness, such as listeria, salmonella, or E. coli. You can contract these illnesses by consuming contaminated cheese. 

The best way to avoid getting diarrhea from cheese is to make sure that you purchase cheese from a reputable source and follow food safety guidelines when handling and preparing cheese.

See Also: Can You Vacuum Seal Shredded Cheese

Is It Normal When Cheese Gives You Diarrhea?

It is normal to experience diarrhea after eating cheese. As cheese is made with milk, and milk contains lactose. Lactose is a sugar that can’t be fully digested by our bodies, so that it can cause diarrhea.

Additionally, cheese is a fermented food, which means it contains live bacteria. These bacteria can also cause diarrhea.

Finally, some people are simply intolerant to cheese and will experience digestive issues after eating it.

Why Does Cheese Give Me Diarrhea?

There are a few reasons why cheese may give you diarrhea:

  • If you experience diarrhea after eating cheese is most likely due to food intolerance or sensitivity.
  • Cheese is high in fat, and fat can cause diarrhea.
  • Cheese is a common trigger for diarrhea, as it is for other digestive issues like gas and bloating. Some people cannot digest the lactose in cheese, while others may be sensitive to the proteins casein or whey.
  • Cheese contains certain types of bacteria that can cause diarrhea.

See Also: How to Defrost Cheese

What Should You Do If Cheese Gives You Diarrhea?

There are a few things you can do if cheese gives you diarrhea:

  • If you experience diarrhea after consuming cheese, it is recommended that you stop eating cheese and other dairy products.
  • You should also drink plenty of fluids and eat soft, bland foods to help ease your symptoms.
  • You may also want to try consuming different types of cheeses to see if some are better tolerated than others.
  • Take over-the-counter medications such as loperamide to help relieve symptoms.
  • If you still have issues, it is best to consult a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

What Is the Effect of Cheese on Constipation?

The effect of cheese on constipation is that it can help to relieve constipation. Cheese is a good source of dietary fiber, which can help to soften stools and make them easier to pass.

Additionally, cheese contains lactic acid, which can help to stimulate the movement of the bowels. Cheese also contains a high amount of protein, which can help to bulk up stool and make it less likely to become stuck in the intestines.

How Does Cheese Affect the Smell of Your Poop?

When you eat cheese, the bacteria in your gut break down the lactose into smelly chemicals like methane, sulfur, and hydrogen sulfide.

These gases escape from your intestines and waft up through your rectum and out your anus, giving your poop its characteristic smell.

Sulfur is also a smelly gas that is released when cheese is digested. The gas can make your poop smell bad.

Can Cheese Cause Bowel Movements?

Cheese can cause bowel movements because it is a dairy product, and some people are lactose intolerant.

When people are lactose intolerant, their bodies cannot break down the lactose in cheese, which can cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea.

If you are eating a lot of cheese, you may want to reduce your eating amount to avoid having a bowel movement.

Can Cheese Make You Fart?

Cheese contains lactose, which is broken down into glucose and galactose by your body. Galactose then combines with glucose to form lactose. During this process, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane are produced. These gases escape from your intestines and cause you to fart.

Cheese is also high in sulfur, and when sulfur breaks down in the body, it can produce gas. So, if you eat a lot of cheese, you may be more likely to fart.

See Also: How Long Can Sliced Deli Cheese Be In The Refrigerator

Is Cheese a Natural Laxative?

Cheese is a natural laxative because it is high in fiber and protein. Cheese also contains lactic acid, which helps to soften the stool. One study found that participants who ate cheese had significantly higher levels of short-chain fatty acids in their stool, which are known to promote bowel movement.

Additionally, cheese is a good source of fiber, and consuming adequate fiber is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system.

What Effect Does Cheese Have on Stool Color?

Cheese can have a range of effects on stool color. It can range from making stool a more creamy color to changing the color to yellow or even green. It can also cause stools to become darker, lighter, or change color entirely. 

Cheese can also cause stools to become more solid or more liquid. For example, consuming cheddar cheese can result in yellow or orange stool, while consuming Swiss cheese can result in the green or brown stool.

Can Cheese Make You Poop Red?

Cheeses contain a red dye called annatto. This dye is used to give the cheese a reddish color. When the annatto dye is not completely digested, it can come out in the poop as a red color. 

Another reason why cheese can cause red poop is overeating it. Eating a large amount of cheese can cause the body to have trouble digesting it all, leading to red poop.

Does Cheese Make You Poop Black?

Cheese is a source of tyramine, which can cause changes in gut motility and lead to black, tarry stools. Some types of cheese can also contain high levels of iron, and when this isn’t absorbed properly, it can lead to black stool.

Does Cheese Make You Poop Green?

Some people may experience green stools after consuming certain types of cheese, particularly those high in lactose or other indigestible sugars.

If you experience green stools after eating cheese, it is likely due to an intolerance to lactose or other sugars in the cheese.

See Also: How to Store Mozzarella Cheese After Opening


To summarise, Cheese is high in fat, and consuming too much fat can lead to diarrhea. The second reason is that cheese contains lactose, a sugar that can be difficult for some people to digest.

When lactose isn’t digested, it can cause diarrhea and increase your bowel movements, making you poop. Some types of cheese may also contain bacteria that can lead to diarrhea. 

So, if you’re lactose intolerant, you may want to avoid cheese. And if you’re experiencing diarrhea, it’s best to stay away from cheese until your symptoms subside.

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